What would YOU ask Wesley Chu?

I have been thinking about how to make interviews more interesting and I had an idea over the weekend. What if I solicited my readers, or fans of the authors I’m interviewing, for questions? There are a few reasons for this. First, authors tend to get asked the same questions over and over again. What better way to shake things up a bit than by adding a fresh perspective to the mix? Secondly, there isn’t much that gets people more excited and involved than their participation.

I hope this is popular, because I think it could be a lot of fun for everyone involved. If this works out the way I hope (nothing ever does) then this will be a regular feature that I’ll add onto each interview. So stay tuned. If you think that this is a good idea, help it fly by asking a question or spreading the word.

Here are the details: 

I already have all of my questions for the author written out and proofed. I want you to leave a comment (or email me, as many of you seem to prefer, or Twitter or Facebook) a question or two you’d like to ask the author.

I’m going to leave question submissions open until they dry up. Then I will choose a handful (probably around 3) questions to add to my interview. I’ll give you credit for your question when I post the interview.

Author/Book Specs: 

Having released the wildly popular (and very entertaining/enlightening) book, The Lives of Tao (Tao #1), Wesley Chu is now getting ready to release The Deaths of Tao (Tao #2). Below I have his brief biography. For more, check out his website.

About the Author

Wesley Chu’s dreams as an NFL punter were quickly dashed when he learned at an early age that he was terrible at every sort of ball sport. Actually, he was bad at every single sport in the known universe that didn’t involve hitting someone or doing backflips. Thus, he did what all ex-gymnasts/kungfu masters did: go into Information Technology while moonlighting as an actor.

Since then, he has been following his new dream of writing books – Science Fiction/Fantasy books with lots of action and no round objects.

Read more about The Lives of Tao and The Deaths of Tao by clicking on the links.

4 Responses

  • I’ll be the brave soul to put some Chu questions out there…

    You took a business career route before delving into writing THE LIVES OF TAO. What led you to take this path? Have you always wanted to write at this level but held yourself back for any reason?

    First time we me, you rushed up and demanded whiskey to wash the crunchy remains of dried dung beetle from your mouth. Would you be willing to describe the taste of dung beetles to us? What would lead a celebrated author such as yourself to eat one of these? Any lessons learned?

    • Great questions. Thank you for leaving a comment. I had no idea commenting would be a no-no for this activity. I’m not sure why it is…

      • It’s kind of like the first person turning in their completed test. Once one goes, a wave of others follow.

  • Who would win in a fight, a pirate or a ninja?

    Is there a reason you hold a grudge against the pirate, clearly one of the most fearsome fighters in all of fighterdom?

    And, um, on a less pirate-centric note, you seem to like the thriller angle in your books. Would you ever consider writing a straight up thriller and drop the specfic angle or is specfic part of who you are as a writer?

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