Announcing Our Words


In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been a bit distracted recently. Well, I’ve been working hard on a lot of things. One of the things I’ve been working hard on is Our Words, the website I’m building that is going to focus on disabilities in speculative fiction.

As with most of the best laid plans, things have dramatically changed and I had a powerful, soul searching moment where I realized I either had to pull the trigger, like now, or I was never, ever going to do it. I pulled the trigger and just launched the website because I knew if I didn’t do it now, I never would. Things are much different than I thought they’d be, and I think that’s sad in some ways, terrifying in others. But it is the way it is.

Life is all about change. Or something.

I’m scared right now. This project is so important to me, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous about doing something in my life. I haven’t been sleeping well due to worry and anxiety with how this will go, how it will be received, how it will all roll out, and more. I just want this launch to be over so I know if I need to hide or not.

Anyway, I hesitate to say too much here because I wrote a thing you can read on Our Words explaining what the website is about, where I’m coming from, where I want to go, and what to expect in the short term. For a website launch, this really isn’t that exciting for reasons you’ll see when you pop over there, but for numerous and varied reasons, I felt like now was the time to get SOMETHING out there, to put down at least one footprint, maybe plant a seed and see what grows.

I’m literally shaking as I write this.

Enough delaying. Time to rip off the band-aid. Head over to Our Words, and check out the two posts I have up today.

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