Announcement | Editing and Reviewing


As you may or may not know, my husband got laid off on Tuesday. This is throwing a huge wrench into like… everything (as you could imagine). He’s diligently applying for jobs, but due to the fact that we need money to survive and stuff, I’m working extra editing jobs. This, at the moment, is the only way we will manage to support our family of four, so I’m freaking out a bit, and working hard to absolutely pack my calendar.

If any of you have any leads for people who need an editor, or if you need one yourself, please don’t hesitate to hit me up. I realize this is the worst possible time, and we are all struggling right now (and we are absolutely not the only people in this boat) but any extra work would be a huge help.

Check out my editing information here. And feel free to email me. My email is Sarah (at) bookwormblues (dot) net. No spam, please.


Related to that, my husband has 20 years of experience in the IT industry, mainly Helpdesk and disaster management. If anyone has any US-based leads for jobs, please, please, please send them my direction. It should be said, we live in Utah, but we are open to relocating if necessary, so literally any opening, anywhere in the US.


Due to the fact that everything is changing, and life is up in the air, I’m… looking for an escape.

I’ve started reading a lot more SFF books again. I need some sort of portal away from my head, where the following is on loop right now: “How the hell am I, a disabled person with a chronic illness and numerous co-morbidities… a person who needs medication each day to keep her heart beating… going to survive without health insurance?!” Secondary worlds are where it’s at for me at the moment. It’s much easier for me to worry about how (insert character here) will survive (insert situation here) than my own issues.

I need a vacation from my life.

Therefore, I’m opening my blog back up to SFF books to review.

Now, before you get too excited, I want you to understand a few things.

  1. My workload for editing is ridiculous right now (this is a good thing, and I need to keep it this way since currently this is our only income). Added to that, I’m also writing my own book(s), and doing research (nonfiction reading) for said books. Therefore, there will be a lag between when I get the book, and when I review it. My turnaround will be slow. I will also be continuing nonfiction reviews. I would like to get to a point where my reviews are 50/50–nonfiction and SFF.
  2. Generally for editing, I stop working around 7:30pm each day. Then I read/write whatever I want. If I’ve been really working hard all day, I’ll vegetate in front of the TV until my head unkinks a bit. I’m telling you this to underscore the fact that yes, please send me books to review, but also understand that it might take time to get to them. Please be patient.
  3. I do not review books I’d rank under 4 stars. I used to do this, but now that I’m an author in my own right, and an editor of books, I know how much reviews below 4 stars sucks. I don’t like it for my own books. I’m sure you don’t like it for yours… and honestly, I just don’t have time to pull myself through a book that isn’t doing it for me. So, keep that in mind. If I’d give it a 3* rating or lower, you likely won’t see it reviewed on my site.
  4. .mobi files preferred
  5. Self-published is welcome. I’m a self-published author. I edit mostly for self-published authors. Power to the self-published. Lob your indie treasures at me.

Thanks to everyone who has been passing my name around for editing jobs, and to everyone who has suggested places for my husband to apply for work. We are one family of many going through this right now. It’s horrible, and I hate it, but a whole lot of you people have helped so much by spreading the news about my editing, passing me potential job opportunities (which I’ve sent on to my husband), and just generally checking in.

Things are hard for so many people right now, but it’s things like this that reminds me that good people exist, and they perform acts of kindness every day.

Thanks again.


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