Discussion: How do you write?

I know there are lots of writers out there. The one thing I think is really fascinating is how every writer seems to do it differently. Some authors plan out their books to the letter, making pages and pages of notes before they start writing their book. Others wing it and surprise themselves with twists…

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Discussion: 2012 Reading Goals

I know I’m a little late with this, and I’ve also slacked on my weekly discussions. I’ll try to be more prompt this year.  Anyway…  This year I don’t really have many reading goals besides to hit 100 books. Before I had the baby I’d read between 170 – 200 books/year. Now that I have…

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Discussion: Do you schedule?

The end of the year is always kind of interesting for me, especially with bloggers. People summarize their year, throw shout outs to whoever they think was awesome during the previous year and… undoubtably, some of them will write a list of books they plan to read.  I don’t schedule or plan like that. It’s…

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Discussion: What if authors get it wrong?

Occasionally when I am bored I wander around Goodreads to see who is reading what and what they think about it. The other day I was doing this and one common complaint I saw from reviewers was when the individual liked all aspects of the book except this one detail that the author got wrong….

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Discussion: Banned books

Last week was Banned Books Week. Many libraries and bookstores mentioned it, or did activities for it. If you are curious about banned or challenged books, look at this link.  Instead of writing a paragraph and then asking a question, like I normally do, I’ll just ask my question.  Do you think some books should…

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Discussion: A Netflix type service for books?

A little while ago, this article (which is very short, so feel free to read it) was sent to me. I thought the idea was really interesting. While the idea of a “Netflix for books” on Amazon does seem like speculation right now, it might just be a matter of time until someone big grabs it…

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Discussion: How long is too long?

I think most people tend to have limits with how long a book or series they are willing to read. I tend to crap out on a book after about 1200 pages, and even that is seriously pushing my limit. On a series, if it’s longer than 10 books I have a hard time justifying…

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Discussion: Book trailers

Book trailers seem to be getting more and more popular. Almost every book that comes out has some youtube video that goes along with it.  I have to admit, I don’t see the point of these book trailers. I almost never watch them. I can see how they appeal to certain people. I guess I’m…

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Discussion: Self publishing

I usually don’t accept works from self-published authors to review. The reason why is because there is simply too much published work for me to read, why spend time reading a self-published author’s work. However, recently I’ve seen many discussions about how the publishing world is changing and self-published authors will become more popular and…

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