The Coldest War – Ian Tregillis

About the book Someone is killing Britain’s warlocks. Twenty-two years after the Second World War, a precarious balance of power maintains the peace between Great Britain and the USSR. For decades, the warlocks have been all that stand between the British Empire and the Soviet Union– a vast domain stretching from the Pacific Ocean to…

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Author Signing – Dan Wells

We don’t get many author events in Utah. I mean, why would we? It’s Utah, for crying out loud. Besides a few speculative fiction authors who live here (Brandon Sanderson, L.E. Modesitt Jr., Dan Wells [until Wednesday] and a few others) there really isn’t much that happens here. A few authors pass by occasionally. It…

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Author Interview | AE Marling

I ran across AE Marling when he left a comment on this guest post. I thanked him for his comment and he pointed out that his book, Brood of Bones, has a very uniquely disabled protagonist. I decided to give it a shot and I’m glad I did. Marling is a fantastic writer. You will get a…

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Blightcross – C.A. Lang

About the book In a world rebuilding after global mechanized war, chaos and ethnic tensions rule. City-states like Blightcross prosper under dictatorships built upon oil production. Refugees flock to the city-state to find work in the massive oil refineries. The black blood of Blightcross is replacing vihs-draaf, the magic of the Ehzeri people, but magic…

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Land of Hope and Glory – Geoffrey Wilson

About the book An original new fantasy in which The Indian  Rebellion of 1857  takes place in a very different England—one where  magic rules, and the only hope for the future lies in the story of King Arthur. It is 1852 and the Indian empire of Rajthana has ruled Europe for more than  100 years….

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Orb Sceptre Throne – Ian C. Esslemont

About the book Darujhistan, city of dreams, city of blue flames, is peaceful at last; its citizens free to return to politicking, bickering, trading and, above all, enjoying the good things in life. Yet there are those who will not allow the past to remain buried. A scholar digging in the plains stumbles across an…

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Hunter and Fox – Philippa Ballantine

About the book In a world that is in constant shifting, where mountains can change to plainsand then to lakes, Talyn is the Hunter for the Caisah, and a wreck of a once-proud person. She has lost her people, the Vaerli, and her soul working for the man who destroyed her people. All unknowing, she…

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An Aside | New Website

Happy Monday! As you may or may not know, I have a huge, very expensive hobby: photography. I’ve had a few people recently ask if I have a portfolio. Well, I didn’t, until today. I started up a photoblog where I will post my photography and etc related to that hobby. There’s only one lonely…

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The Hollow City – Dan Wells

About the book Michael Shipman is paranoid schizophrenic; he suffers from hallucinations, delusions, and complex fantasies of persecution and horror. That’s bad enough. But what can he do if some of the monsters he sees turn out to be real? Who can you trust if you can’t even trust yourself? The Hollow City is a mesmerizing journey into…

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The Crippled God – Steven Erikson

About the book Savaged by the K’Chain Nah’Ruk, the Bonehunters march for Kolanse, where waits an unknown fate. Tormented by questions, the army totters on the edge of mutiny, but Adjunct Tavore will not relent. One final act remains, if it is in her power, if she can hold her army together, if the shaky…

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