I was mentioned!

This made my day, so I’m going to pass it on to you, my dear readers. Why? Because sometimes a girl’s just gotta brag. 
This morning I was doing my traditional, ‘the baby woke me up WAY TOO EARLY so I’m surfing the internet while I try to get the synapsis in my brain firing again’ thing. I was looking around Twitter, and someone informed me that they heard about my blog on a podcast. Well, this perked me right up. I’m a small time blogger. I don’t really get mentioned many places (that I know of). I can’t (and don’t) compete with the big-name reviewers out there. I read their stuff, but I’m not one of them. I know this. So getting mentioned pretty much anywhere thrills me half to death. 
Thus, my brag. I got mentioned on a podcast by Robin Sullivan of Ridan Publishing. I really respect her, and her vast amount of publishing knowledge. So being mentioned by someone like her is really exciting for me. The podcast is Dead Robots’ Society episode #195. So give them a listen. Besides the bragging thing on my part, the podcast itself is really interesting and worth listening to, especially if you are an author. Robin Sullivan has great advice regarding marketing, reviews, blurbs, etc. 
Now, back to your regularly scheduled Wednesday. 

6 Responses

  • Sunny

    Congrats! That's so exciting!!

  • Nathaniel Katz

    A well deserved mention, methinks.

  • Jamie (Mithril Wisdom)

    This? Awesome. Congrats, Sarah! Next they'll be inviting you on there yourself 🙂

  • Scott

    Oh excellent Sarah! Yeah, Robin is really great, so down to earth and kind. Total congrats missy, you deserve it, since my enjoyment of your blog was one of the reasons Chris and I made Iceberg Ink in the first place.

    Also, didn't know about the podcast, had a listen, was very interesting!

  • Robin Sullivan

    Hey Sarah…I'm really glad you liked my mention of your blog. I think you underestimate just how good your "little blog is". As I mentioned in the podcast I really appreciate that you give such honest reviews of books (and as I tend to study the links from place to place – there are many bloggers who are "tuning in" to what you have to say. For instance the amazing Scott from Iceberg Ink who posted just above me !!

    Robin Sullivan | Write2Publish | Ridan Publishing

  • Sarah (Bookworm Blues)

    You guys are all way too nice to me. I think I honestly blushed reading your comments. I don't think I've ever blushed reading blog comments before. Thanks!! What an ego boost this has been!

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