SPFBO 2016 – The Order Of Things

I’m finally getting around to listing how I plan to tackle my list of books, the order I will be reading them in, groupings, and whatever else. I didn’t group these by any system other than saying, “Hey husband, pick six numbers between one and thirty.” I will do what I did last year, and give each book a mini-award, and I will do brief reviews of each book, even if I didn’t finish them. In that case I will say what it was that stopped me from finishing it. I will be constructive, because what’s the point of any of this if I’m not. Click on the links for each book to learn more about them.

Some groups might not take as much time for me to get through. Two weeks per group is a pretty wide margin, but life happens and I’m running two websites now so I’m giving myself a goal date for each group. I might discuss a group sooner than the date, but I absolutely will have it talked about on the website by the date I list under each group (unless something happens, in which case I’ll be honest about the need to push the date back and my estimation for how far back I need to push it – sorry folks, but that’s the best I can do with my various medical complexities). Honestly, if life stays on a low medical keel (for me), then I anticipate that it won’t take me this long to get through each group. It all just depends on my fantastic falling apart body, and whether or not it has other plans for me.

Full disclosure, I think I went through my list and fixed any errors, but I’m tired. If anyone sees books listed twice, then let me know and I’ll fix it.

Also, for fun, Mark Lawrence is listing the top three covers from all of us who are doing the SPFBO. Check it out.

Group 1:

It Takes a Thief to Catch A Sunrise by Rob J. Hayes
Blackbird by L.E. Harrison
A Lonely Magic by Sarah Wynde
Glyphbinder by T. Eric Bakutis
Duel of Fire by Jordan Rivet
The Last Kinmark by Josh Brannan

Goal date: May 24

Group 2:

A New Plague by Benny Hinrichs
The Way Knight by Alexander Wallis
The SatNav of Doom by Will MacMillan Jones
The Mages of Bennamore by Pauline M Ross
Because of Her Shadow by Jason Dias
Honor Among Orcs by Amalia Dillin
Goal date: June 7

Group 3:

Impossible Paradise by Leeland Artra
Wanderers by Richard Bamberg
Alice’s Adventures in Underland: The Queen of Stilled Hearts by DeAnna Knippling
The Blood-Tainted Winter by T.L. Greylock
Captain Hook and the Curse of Peter Pan by Jeremiah Kleckner
Triad by Guy Estes

Goal date: June 21

Group 4:

Elona: Patterner’s Path by Steve Turnbull
Ocean Gods, Roman Blades by Andrew Knighton
The Emerald Serpent by Karen Simpson Nikakis
Fionn: Defence of Rath Bladhma by Brian O’Sullivan
Blood Song by Robert Mullin
Wrath of the Fallen by Kris Jerome

Goal date: July 5

Group 5:

Ravinor by Travis Peck
Six Celestial Swords by T.A. Miles
They Mostly Come Out At Night by Benedict Patrick
Before the Full Moon Rises by MJ Bell
Sparks and Shadows by Kendrick von Schiller
Shadows and Starstone by Cheryl S. Mackey

Goal date: July 19

I’ve already started working on the first group (insert evil laughter here).

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