Well, I’ve been out of commission for a few weeks recovering from surgery. I took a little of that time to really look over the cover art I’ve got in my batch of SPFBO books this year. Mark Lawrence is doing a cover art contest, which is awesome. I’ve decided to list my top ten favorite covers, and at the end of this post, I’ll announce which three I’m sending over to Mark Lawrence to compete in his cover art contest.
I will also take a moment to pontificate a little bit. We always say “don’t judge a book by its cover” but the sad truth is, cover art matters. It’s what appeals to readers, and it’s usually the first thing people see. It’s kind of the missionary for your book. It’s the “come hither” to your readers, and I really enjoy it when authors pick cover art that flirts with me a bit. I like the stuff that makes me wonder if the words are as intriguing as the cover. Now, everyone has different tastes, preferences, and styles. I’ve never been one to say that my style (for anything) is the end all be all of style. Just because I like something, doesn’t devalue everything else’s worth.
Basically, cover art matters, and I picked these ten but check out the rest of my batch of books because they all have something worthy to offer.
Click below each book for a link to buy the book, and/or read what they are about.
Full disclosure: Some books had more than one edition, which means more than one cover for many of them. I looked through every cover for every book on goodreads (even if said book had more than one cover), and picked my favorite out of all of those listed for each book.
Congratulations to the top ten who have dazzled me with their cover art, and much luck to you for the rest of the SPFBO – cover art and otherwise.
Now, my top ten favorite covers, in no particular order (remember, my three finalists are revealed at the end).
Here we go!!
And the three finalists are….
One Responses
The cover for “Of Angels and Men” really catches my attention.
Also, I’m part of the way through “Valley of Embers” right now, and though the dialogue feels a little stiff at times, I’m quite enjoying it. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it.