One week ago, I decided to start an online writing community. I did this on Facebook, and I mostly did it because I wanted somewhere to go to talk to writers about the art (and trials) facing writing. (Yes, I know other groups like this exist, but I wanted my own corner because apparently I’m a control freak). Well, the group is a week old now. I’m just shy of 80 members, with regular participation from members.
I have some features I’m starting up which I hope will be regular. Today I started a critiques thread, where we share the first 300ish words of our works in progress and get constructive critiques from members of the group (which I’m thinking will turn into a weekly thing). Wednesdays is going to be Book Quote Wednesdays. Every day I mine the internet and try to post a handful of writing stuff I find that others might find helpful – writing advice, world-building tips, character development tricks, whatever. There’s also regular questions/comments/postings from other people in the group.
I’ve been very pleased with how all this is coming along. It’s exactly what I wanted: a community of writers from novices to traditionally published authors, all coming together to support and help each other out.
So, I decided to add another thing to it. Eventually I’d like this to become a weekly feature, but for now it’s going to be “whenever I can set it up”. The idea is to have someone who works in the industry/published books/is published/has other expertise to come to the group for a day (authors, agents, editors, hell – I’m even thinking of cover artists and map makers as well), and answer craft-focused questions. Basically, my thinking was that a lot of people have a lot of questions about tons of different aspects of writing, publishing, and the industry in general but don’t have a way to really ask those questions. I know people, so my goal is to facilitate a space where people with information, experience, and insights can give that experience, information, and insights to people who need those things.
Essentially, if you’ve got writing/industry questions, I want these “Craft Questions” days to be all about you. I’ll work to present people to you who can answer questions about various aspects of the industry, and all you gotta do is bring your questions and be ready to ask them. Those who are willing to be in the hot seat have permission to take the questions they’ve been asked, and use them in blog posts or whatever as publicity/talking points etc.
So, all if this is my long, rambling way to invite you to an event.
This week I’m starting my first “Craft Questions” event. If you’re a writer (from novice to experienced) then feel free to swing by the group. Thursday is the first round of Craft Questions, which will be with traditionally published author Scott Oden. Read on for more information!

I’m pleased to announce that this Thursday in Writer’s Refuge (the online writing group I started) we will be kicking off Craft Questions, which, I hope, will become a pretty regular thing in this group. So if you have any questions you’d like to ask traditionally published author Scott Odenabout writing, the process of publishing, his experiences in the industry, etc., bring them with you on THURSDAY.
A little about the author:
SCOTT ODEN was born in Indiana, but has spent most of his life shuffling between his home in rural North Alabama, a Hobbit hole in Middle-earth, and some sketchy tavern in the Hyborian Age. He is an avid reader of fantasy and ancient history, a collector of swords, and a player of tabletop role-playing games. When not writing, he can be found walking his two dogs or doting over his lovely wife, Shannon. Oden’s books include the historical fantasies: The Lion of Cairo, A Gathering of Ravens, and the forthcoming Twilight of the Gods. He is also the author of two historical novels, Men of Bronze and Memnon.
Oden has an ongoing novella serialized in Marvel’s Savage Sword of Conan.
Oden’s Macmillan page
If you’d like to participate in this event, please click on this link, and I’ll approve you as soon as I see your request come through.