Today is September 1. This is important for a few reasons. One, autumn is almost here. Yay!
Two: This year September 1 kicks off Self-Published Fantasy Month (which I am participating in). Now, last week I posted on Twitter about how good the Indie book scene is right now, and a whole bunch of people asked me to make a list of really good Indie fantasy reads.
I thought this was a good idea. I noticed this graphic I’m about to post floating around, and I thought, “why not make a list by filling out this chart?” So, here we are. I’m not going to say anything about any of the books (because there will be a lot of them). You can click on the link below each cover image to take you to the Amazon buy page (affiliate links help keep this website running, so clicking/buying from the links is a huge help).
A few things you should know before you dive in:
- I did delete some of the categories, because a lot of books can fit under a lot of categories. Also, I’ve literally spent half a freaking day making this list and my brain hurts, so I figured I could give myself a bit of a break.
- Some of these books have been published with (very) small presses. I made sure they were small presses, but just in case, you should know.
- I tried very hard to make sure none of these books have been bought by big publishers, but again, my brain hurts and I might have missed some.
- Some of these categories are subjective. The “favorites” one is absolutely subjective, obviously. Another one that I think is highly subjective is the “Change” category. I based my choices in that category off of characters/world/magic/plot (some major element) changes and evolves dramatically throughout the book.
- I tried to list each author only once, but I think one or two of them might be on there twice.
Also, just a fair warning, I’m going to list my own two books on this post because I can.
And, we’re off!

TBR (To Be Read)
The Reluctant Hero
Let’s Hear It For Anthologies
Your Gateway
Magical Magic Systems
Creature Feature
Non-Western Setting
Favorite Self-Pub
Dynamic Duo
The Waiting Evil
There Be Dragons About
Here Comes the Cavalry
Who Dwells In These Woods?