Special Needs in Strange Worlds | Mieneke van der Salm

Mieneke is many things: a mother, bibliophile, career woman and friend. How she manages to balance all that is beyond me. Mieneke has two kids and still keeps her head on straight. I have one and I hardly feel like I’m treading water sometimes. She also, somehow, manages to run a truly wonderful review blog,…

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Special Needs in Strange Worlds | Erin Hill-Dowdle

Erin is a close personal friend of mine. We met a few years ago when we were both managing a few of the campus computer labs and I was automatically taken in with her humor. Erin is, honestly, one of the most hilarious, snarky and wonderfully sarcastic people I’ve ever met. She’s amazingly intelligent and…

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Special Needs in Strange Worlds | Aidan Moher

A Dribble of Ink. Anyone who is anyone in speculative fiction will turn their head when you say those words. Why? Because A Dribble of Ink, and the editor of that site, Aidan Moher, sets trends, attracts attention and provokes insightful discussions. Aidan is a true genre powerhouse and beyond that, he’s incredibly approachable and…

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