Discussion: TV that’s better than the book

I’m not much of a TV or movie watcher.  I always hear that books are better than their television counterparts and for the most part, from what I’ve seen, I agree. However, that can’t always be the case, can it? There are always outliers to every broad generalization. Hence, this week’s question.  What are some…

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Discussion: Who has better fantasy, UK or US?

A few months ago I got into a discussion with someone on Twitter about the quality of fantasy/sci fi in the UK and US. Basically, this individual’s perspective was that, “America has all the good musicians. The UK has all the good fantasy authors.” While I don’t know if I agree or disagree, or if…

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Discussion: Where would you live?

First, apologies for not posting a discussion on Sunday like I usually do. Honestly, I totally forgot. Then Monday was the 4th of July and I wasn’t in the mood. Yesterday I posted a review, which puts a discussion on Wednesday this week, rather than Sunday.  Readers of speculative fiction tend to run into a…

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Discussion: What are you reading now?

I’m hot, hugely pregnant and massively uncomfortable. Deep, profound reading related thoughts aren’t really on my mind at the moment. Thus, this week’s discussion question is going to be pretty lame, and I apologize for that.  I thought it would be fun to see what all of you are reading right now and how you…

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Discussion: Who got you into reading?

I wasn’t always a reader, though reading was always part of my life. For example, when I was a little kid, my mom and I would read Laura Ingalls Wilder books in bed before I went to sleep each night. It was, at that time, rare for me to actually want to read. I was…

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Discussion: Do you have a comfort book?

This discussion is late in coming and it’s inspired by recent events in my life. You see, I realized today that when anything happens that really shakes up my life a bit, I don’t read. For some reason, I just can’t handle books. I tend to turn off everything and withdraw deep into myself until…

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Discussion: Science Fiction and Technology

I’ve been on a science fiction kick recently. I guess I just needed to stir up my usual fantasy routine a bit. Science fiction forces me to think about the future and the possibilities it may hold. I enjoy space operas more than most other science fiction. It interests me to see what the author…

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